пятница, 6 декабря 2019 г.

пре-тест № 2 3 класс

Pre- test        Variant 1          2 term 2019

I. Write the second form of the following verbs:
1. come-……………………… 5. want-………………………
2. be- ……………………… …6. skip- ………………………
3. give- ………………………..7. like- ………………………
4. take- …………………..…….8. play- ………………………
5. can-… ………………………9.  ski- ………………………

II. Put the words into the correct order.
1. presents, Kate, does, like, What?
2. stocking, three, were, toys, the, There, in.
3. Bob, his,  yesterday, birthday,  not, did, celebrate.
4. father, now, watching TV, Why, your, is?
5. Are, on, no, table, apples, there, the.

III. Choose the correct verb form.
Ann (1.  are /  was /  is) nine. She (2. lives  / is living  / lived) in London. She (3. like  /  liked   / likes)… to go to the park with her friends. They usually (4. are playing  / play  / plays)… badminton there. Ann can (4. plays  / play  / played)… badminton well.
Yesterday Ann (5. went  / go  / goes)… to the Zoo with her little brother. They (6. sees  / saw  / see)… a lot of animals there. The children (7. are watching  / watch   / watched)… the monkeys. They (8. was  / were  / are)… so funny. They (9. jump  / are jumping  / jumped)… and (10. plays  /  playing  /  played). Ann (11.  were  /  was  /  is  ) happy at the Zoo.
It (12. was  /  is  /  are )… Sunday today. Ann (13. draw  /  drew  /  is drawing  ) the monkeys in the Zoo. Her brother (14.  jumps  /  jumped  /  is jumping) as a monkey. Her Granny and Grandpa (15. are  watching  / watch  / watched  ) TV.

вторник, 3 декабря 2019 г.

вопросы к темам 7 класс

Additional Questions
1.      Why do some people choose dangerous jobs?
2.      Would you like to do some dangerous job in future? Why/ Why not
3.      What profession do you consider the most important for people? Why?
4.      What traits of character are important for any profession? Why?
5.      What would you prefer: to work online or to have a special place to work (eg. the office) Why?
6.      Have you ever tried to earn money? What did you do? ( or why not)
7.      What do you usually spend your pocket money for?
8.      Do you think blogging can be a good profession? Why (Why not)
9.      Which professions will disappear soon in your opinion? Why?
10.  Can the teachers be fully replaced by robots and online schools? Why (Why not)
11.  Do you think it is more important to earn a lot of money or to enjoy your job?
12.  Which jobs do you think are the most prestigious?

Leisure Time
1.      Do you have enough free time? Why (not)?
2.      If you had more free time, what would you do with it?
3.      What would you like to give up so that you could have more free time?
4.      Can you think of any hobbies, which are popular with both children and adults?
5.      Which hobbies are the cheapest?
6.      Which hobbies are the most expensive?
7.      Do you like to travel with your parents? Why or why not?
8.      What are some countries that you would never visit? Why would you not visit them?
9.      What is the most interesting souvenir that you have ever bought on one of your holidays?
10.  When did you first use the Internet?
11.  How can the internet help you learn English?
12.  Do you use the Internet for fun or for education?
13.  What art museums have you visited? Which one did you like the best? Why?
14.  Why is St. Petersburg called the cultural capital of Russia?
Great Britain
1.      Which famous cities in Great Britain do you want to visit? Why?
2.      Which British tradition or holiday seems the most interesting for you? Why?
3.      Who is the most famous British person ever? Why do you think so?
4.      What parts of British culture are popular in your country?
5.      What are three good things about Great Britain?
6.      What famous British person would you like to meet? Why?
7.      If aliens visited your Great Britain, what would surprise them?
8.      What food would you like to try In Great Britain?
9.      What would you like to ask a British teenager about Britain? 
10.  What would you ask a person who works at Buckingham Palace about the Royal family?

пре-тест 3 класс

II Term
Pre –Test
I.                   Write the verbs in the Past Tense
1).play                            6).be
2).have                           7).clean
3).go                               8).see
4).watch                         9).want
5).put                            10).skip

II.                    Put the verbs in the correct order  to make up sentences
1.     now/playing/she/Is?
2.     yesterday/did/television/You/watch/not.
3.     I/breakfast/often/for/eat/porridge.
4.     her/She/homework/doing/is.
5.     My/year/uncle/last/was/Africa/in.
III.              Choose the correct form of the verb
1.My father usually ( /gets/is getting/got) up at seven o’clock.
2.He (/ takes/is taking/took) a shower yesterday.
3.They (/ don’t skate/aren’t skating/ doesn’t skate) now.
4.I usually ( /do /am doing/did) my homework.
5.Molly ( /takes/is taking/ /took /) a shower every day.
6.Pete( /drinks/is drinking/drank) milk  three days ago.
7.Peg (/eats/is eating/ate) two apples yesterday.
8.Robert and Nick always (/help/are helping/helped) about the house.
9.Bob(/reads/is reading/am reading) at the moment.
10.My friends always( /celebrate /are celebrating/celebrated/) Christmas.
IV.             Ask questions
1.                     Mary is watching TV now.
2.                     We have breakfast every day.
3.                     They visited their friends yesterday.
4.                     There was  a puppy in the box.
5.                     Kate played chess at school.